NRW Sieger Köln
Split 4 Summer Night Show – Croatia
My dogs come home with:
Int.Ch. BE.Ch LUX Ch. DJCh BJS’21 GJW’21 Pablo Picasso Du Petit Roi Mojito - 2xCAC, 1xCACIB, 1x BOB, 1xBOS – Split Winner‘23
Lux.Ch. Misty Meadow’s Catch The Sud – 5xCAC, 4xRCACIB, 1xBOS NEW CROATIAN CHAMPION
Gerowawa’s Michelangelo – 3x very promising Split Future Hope‘23
Int. Dog Show Herve Golden Dog Trophy Belgium
Pablo Picasso du petit Roi Mojito Ex.1 res.CAC res.CACIB
Misty Meadow's Catch The Sun Ex.1
Judge: Rui Oliviera (Portugal)
Crufts 2023
I'm a proud breeder!
IDS Leuven 30.10.22
CH, JCH, Pablo Picasso Du Petit Roi Mojito 1 Exc, CAC, CACIB, BOB and Cruft Qualification 23
CH, JCH Misty Meadows Catch the Sun 1Exc, CAC,CACIB, BOS and Cruft Qualification 23
Thank to the wonderful judge Mrs Chantal van Raamsdonk - Blatter
Pablo Picasso Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.1 CAC, CACIB, BOS
Misty Meadow’s Catch the Sun Ex.1, JCAC
judge: Mrs Jorgensen Lotte (Denmark)
Euro Dog Show Paris 2022
JCh. Pablo Picasso Du Petit Roi Mojito - Ex1 CAC
Judge: Mrs Biondi De Ciabatti Ilara
Int. Dogschow KV Rijnland 2022
JCH Pablo Picasso Du Petit Roi Mojito 1Exc, Reserve CAC, Reserve CACIB
Judge: Wilma Strijbos
CACIB Genk 12.09.2021
NRW Trophy 12.09.2012
East of England Championship Show UK
Pablo del Rey Du Petit Roi Mojito at Casiatodo
won junior class and special beginners class
under judge Mrs. Hindle
Owner: Emma Hicks "Casiatodo Chihuahuas"
You make me as a breeder so proud, thank you for doing a great job with Herman.
Heute am 15.12.2020 sind drei unserer Welpen live bei RTL " König der Kindsköpfe" mit Mario Barth, Chris Tall und Oliver Pocher.
Today 15.12.2020 three of our puppies are live on national televison RTL "König der Kindsköpfe" with Mario Barth, Chris Tall and Oliver Pocher
Christmas Winner Show 2019
Estrella Polaire Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.1, RCAC, CACIB
Niagara Da Minha Quinta
Ex.1, best female, CAC,CACIB, BOS, Winner 2019
Judge: Kornelija Butrimova ( LT)
Bundessieger Dortmund Sonntag 13.10.2019
Estrella Polaire Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.1 CAC, CACIB, BOS, Bundessieger 2019&Cruft Quality 2020
For Ever Mine Hooligan Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.1 CAC
Misty Meadow’s Angel Cake Ex. 2 res.CAC
Kristy’s Pride Filonius Gru Ex.1 CAC
Jugde: Albert Easdon UK
Int. Dogshow Maastricht 28.09.2019
For Ever Mine Hooligan Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.1, CAC, CACIB & BOB
Estrella Polaire Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.1, RCAC, RCACIB
Judge: Rainer Jacobs
CKD Club Winner Show
Our beauties did a fabulous job today
Multi CH Misty Meadow’s Papageno 1Exc, CAC, Veteran BOB, BIS Veteran, Top Veteran 2018 and now he finished his Veteran Champion
Bred by : Tuula Lehtinen-Cochetti
JCH For Ever Mine Hooligan Du Petit Roi Mojito 1Exc, JBOB, BOB and he makes today his breeding Examen and finished his youth Champion German
Estrella Polaire Du Petit Roi Mojito 1Exc, CAC
Key of my heart Du Petit Roi Mojito got a promising
Kristy’s Pride Felonious Gru 1 Exc, CAC
Kristy’s Pride Billy Ray Cyrus very promising and BIS Baby.
Judge: Maria Walter
VDH Frühjarhssieger 19.05.2019
Forever Mine Hooligan Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.1 JCAC - JBOB - Führjahrs-Jugendsieger
Judge: Tamas Jakkel
Ibizan Summer du petit Roi Mojito
Amsterdam Winner - 15.12.2018
Misty Meadow’s Angel Cake Ex1, 2 x CAC, CACIB & BOS - Amsterdam Winner & Cruft Qualification 19
Niagara Da Minha Quinta 1Exc, 2 x CAC,CACIB, BOB,
Amsterdam Winner & Cruft Qualification 19
Judge: Linda Reinelt Gebauer (D)
Holland Cup Amsterdam 14.12.2018
JCH Misty Meadow’s Angel Cake 1Exc, CAC,CACIB, BOS
JCH Niagara Da Minha Quinta 1Exc, CAC, CACIB &BOB
jJudge: Mr. Jesus Villalobo Diaz (Mexico)
Belgian Chihuahua Club Championship Specialty 02.12.2018
Multi CH Misty Meadow’s Papageno Ex.1 Vet.CAC & Vet-BIS
JCH Misty Meadow’s Angel Cake Ex.2
Noble Valentino Des Etoiles d’Artemis Ex.2
Niagara Da Minha Quinta Ex.1, res.CAC
For Ever Mine Hooligan Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.1 JCAC
Fantastic Fellow Brownie Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.2
Estrella Polaire Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.2
Judge: Gordon Gault
Club Show in Weyerbusch
BOB in short and also long coat
Multi CH Misty Meadow’s Papageno Ex.1 Vet.CAC & BOB
JCH Misty Meadow’s Angel Cake Ex.1 CAC & BOS
Noble Valentino Des Etoiles d’Artemis Ex.1 CAC
Haute Couture de Petit Toussaint Ex.1 CAC
Niagara Da Minha Quinta Ex1 CAC & BOB
For Ever Mine Hooligan Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.1 JCAC
Fantastic Fellow Brownie Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.2 Res. JCAC
Estrella Polaire Du Petit Roi Mojito Ex.1 CAC
Judge: Arne Schwarz
Dortmund 18.11. Bundessieger &
Internationale 19.11.2018
Niagara Da Minha Quinta on both days Ex.1 CAC CACIB & BOS & Bundessieger Herbstsieger & Cruft Qualifikation 2019
Misty Meadow’s Angel Cake on both days Ex.2 - RCAC
Noble Valentino Des Etoiles d’Artemis 3Exc & 4Exc
Judges: Mr Luis Pinto Teixeira (P) & Mr. Hans-Joachim Dux
Dogshow Rotterdam Ahoy
Misty Meadow’s Angel Cake Ex1 CACIB & BOS
Noble Valentino Des Etoiles d’Artemis Ex1 JCAC & Junior BOB
Niagara da Minha Quinta Ex1 JCAC & Junior BOB & BOS
Judge: Chantal von Raamsdonk
Benelux Winner 2018
Niagara Da Minha Quinta Ex1 BOS & Benelux Junior Winner'18
Int. Dogshow Luxembourg 08.04.2018
Niagara da Minha Quinta Ex.1 CAC
New youth Champion of Luxembourg
Jugde: Mr.Enrique Mate-Duran
International DogShow Weelde 07.01.2017
Evening Tuxedo di San Gimignano Ex.1, JCAC, JBOS
Misty Meadow’s Angel Cake Ex.1, JCAC, JBOB and now Belgium Junior Champion
Judge Mrs
Susan Kealy (Ireland)
IDS Holland Cup
Misty Meadow’s Angel Cake went BOB from junior class 1ex JCAC CAC JBOB
Smoothcoat Judge : Mr.Baranauskas Vytautas (LT)
Niagara Da Minha Quinta BOB puppy
Longcoat Judge : Mr Lee Cox
IDS Amsterdam Winner Show
Misty Meadow’s Angel Cake “Sookie” 1Exc, Res.CAC,JBOB
'Amsterdam Junior Winner'and Cruft Qualification 2018
Smoothcoat Judge: Mr. Äke Cronander (SE)
Niagara Da Minha Quinta “Coco” BOB Puppy
'Amsterdam Puppy Winner'
Longcoat Judge: Hans Van Den Berg (NL)
VDH Bundessieger Zuchtschau 2017
Evening Tuxedo Di San Gimignano Ex. 1 CAC’ - JBOB and Herbst-Jugend-Sieger 2017
Niagara Da Minha Quinta 1 very promising & best Baby
Judge: Rainer Jocobs
Dortmund Bundessieger 2017
Malawee Of Uttopia‘s Dream Ex.1 CAC, CACIB &Bundessieger 2017
Judge: Brigitta Kremser
Int. Dogshow Maastricht 01.10.2017
Malawee Of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 - CAC - Best
Misty Meadow's Papageno Ex. 1. RCAC - RCACIB
Evening Tuxedo Di San Gimignano Ex. 2
Misty Meadow's Angel Cake vp1 - Res. BIS Puppy
Judge: Barbara Pallasky (D)
Int. Dogshow Maastricht 30.09.2017
Evening Tuxedo Di San Gimignano Ex.1 JCAC
Gocce Di Memoria Di San Gimignano Ex.1 CAC - CACIB & BOS
Malawee Of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 - RCAC - RCACIB
Misty Meadow's Angel Cake vp2
Judge: Inge Wilmsen (B)
NCC Club Winner 2017
Haute Couture Des Petits Toussaint very promising 1 & minor puppy BOB
Niagara Da Minha Quinta very promising 1
Notorious Da Minha Quinta promising 2
Judge: Breedspecialist Francesco Cochetti
Int. Show - Luxembourg 02.09.2017
Misty Meadow's Papageno Ex.1 CAC-CACIB-BOS
NEW Champion Luxembourg &
Benelux Winner '17
Pinkstershow - Netherlands 04.07.2017
Monte Sant Angelo da Miha Quinta Ex.1 CAC, Best Male & BOB
and finished his Youth Champion Netherlands
Multi.Ch.Misty Meadow's Papageno Ex.1 RCAC
Jugde Wim Wellens
Pinkstershow - Netherlands 04.07.2017
Priscilla van Oosten won Junior Handling with our boy,
Multi.Ch.Misty Meadow's Papageno
Gemeinschafts Show Groß-Gerau 28.05.2017
Kiala van Chi-Berkemus Ex.1 CAC & BOB
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 CAC
Judge: Gerda Kastl
Dortmund EuropaSieger 2017
Monte Sant Angelo Da Minha Quinta Ex.1 JCAC EuropaJugenSieger '17 JBOB & BOB NEW Junior Champion
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 CAC
Gocce Di Memoria Di San Gimignano Ex.1 CAC
Misty Meadow's Papageno Ex.2 res CAC
Judge: Rony Doedijns
Gemeinschafts Show Unna - Königsborn 20.05.2017
Multi CH Misty Meadows Papageno Ex.1 CAC
JCH Hero of Uttopia's Ex.1 CAC
CH Malawee Of Uttopia's Ex.1 CAC
Gocce Di Memoria Di San Gimignano Ex.2 res.CAC
Margotte Da Minha Quinta VP2
Judge: Hans Almgren
We have a new Champion
Luxembourg Champion
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 CACL CACIB BOS
Judge Mr. V. van Raamsdonk Belgium
Luxembourg Junior Champion
Monte Sant Angelo Da Minha Quinta Ex.1 JCACL
Judge Mr. V. van Raamsdonk Belgium
MARTINIDOGSHOW Groningen 04.03.2017
For his first birthday,
Monte Sant Angelo Da Minha Quinta Ex.1 JCAC & CAC, JBOB, BOB & BOG3
Judge: Erwin Manders NL
Gocce de Memoria di San Gimignano Ex.1 JCAC & CAC, JBOB and BOS
Now she is Dutch Junior Champion
Judge: Anca Diana Giura Ro
Stichting Tentoonstelling Gezelschapshonden te Zutphen 2017
Ch.Malawee Of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 CAC, best male & BOB
Gocce Di Memoria Di San Gimignano Ex.1 JCAC, best female & BOB
Monte Sant Angelo Da Minha Quinta Ex.1 JCAC
Judge: G. Lugaite sc - Mrs.C.van Raamsdonk lc
Clubshow Reichshof 28.01.2017
Monte Sant Angeleo Da Minh Quinta Ex.1 JCAC
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 CAC BEST MALE & BOB
Mojito Di San Gimignano Ex.1 CAC
Hero of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 CAC & BEST MALE
Gocce Di Memoria Di San Gimignano Ex.1 JCAC
Judge: Ferdi Dickmann
Our King is now German Champion Club & VDH
Ch.Mojito Di San Gimignano
Belgium Chihuahua Specialty 04.12.2016
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex. 1 CAC & Best Male
Judge: breed specialist Francesco Cochetti
NDS Karlsruhe 13.11.2016
Malika di San Gimignano Ex. 1 CAC
Thank you very much to Judge Mr. Almgren from Sweden
Gemeinschaftsausstellung Etzbach 05.11.2016
My Mon Cherie Da Minha Quinta 1 Ex. CAC & JBOS
Malika Di San Gimignano 1Ex. CAC
Judge: Erwin Deutscher (A)
VDH Bundessieger Zuchtschau 15.10.2016
Malika di San Gimignano Ex.1 JCAC & JBOB, Bundesjugensieger, Curfts Q. 2017
Judge: Karin Biala Gauß
NCC KCM Dutch national championship specialty 2016
Malawee fo Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 & best male
Hero of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1
Gocce di Memoria die San Gimignano Ex.1 JCAC & JBOB
Judges: Inge Wilmsen & Henry Stanley
Int. show Maastricht
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream
first day, Ex.1 res. CAC & res. CACIB
second day, Ex.1 CAC, CACIB & Beneluxwinner 2016
Hero of Uttopia's Dream both days Ex.1 CAC Beneluxwinner 2016
Gocce De Memoria Di San Gimignano both days Ex.2
Int. show Giessen 2016
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1, CAC, CACIB & BOB
Drunken Daiquiri von Prunk&Protz Ex.1 CAC, res. CACIB
Hero of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 JCAC & JBOB
Gocce Di Memoria Ex.1 JCAC & JBOS
Judge: Tatjana Urek
Euro Dog Show Brüssel 2016
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex. 2
VK Landessiegerschau
Drunken Daiquiri von Prunk & Protz Ex.1, CAC best male and Landessieger NRW 2016
Judge: Hans Boerlaars NL
Int. show Mechelen 2016
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB & BOG3
Gocce de Memoria Ex.1 JCAC, BOS
Hero of Uttopia's Dream Ex.2
Judges: Inge Wilmsen & Barbara Pallasky
Four summer night show Split 2016
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream won all days Ex.1 CAC, he is now Croationa Champion.
NCC Jonghonden Dag 2016
Hero of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 & BIS
Gocce de Memoria di San Gimignano vp.1 & BIS Puppy
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1
Judge: Wim Wellens
Gemeinschaftsausstellung Wenden Hündsborn 2016
Drunken Daiquiri von Prunk & Protz Ex.1 BOB
Malika di San Gimignano Ex.1 JCAC
Voxel Ux Jewel for Germany Ex.1 CAC
Judge: Karin Voye
IDS de Meierrj 2016
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 CAC & BOB
Gocce Di Memoria Di San Gimignano vp. 1 and BOB puppy
Hero of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 JCAC and res. CAC & JBOB
IDS Uden 2016
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 & BOB
Hero of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 JBOB
Gocce de Memoria di San Gimignano vp1 & BOB Puppy
Judge: Barbara Pallasky
CKD e.V. Klubsieger Schau 2016
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 CAC, BOB & BIS - Klubsieger CKD 2016
Malika Di San Gimignano Ex.1 CAC & JBOB
Multi CH Voxel Ux Joe Le Taxi Ex.1 CAC
Multi CH Voxel Ux Jewel for Germany Ex.1 CAC
Hero of Uttopia's Dream Ex2 res.CAC
Judge: Istvan Cisk
IDS Saarbrücken 2016
Gocce de Memoria di San Gimignano vp.1 & BOB Puppy
Judge: Jens Bruse
VKe.V. CAC - Dogshow Langerwehe
Mojito di San Gimignano Ex.1 CAC & BOB
Lexus da Minha Quinta Ex.1 CAC
IDS Luxemburg 27.03.2016
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream Ex.1 JCAC and now Youth Champion Luxemburg
Crufts 2016
Malawee of Uttopia's Dream third in yearling class